When you are buying a car, or a house, you take your time, right? If you are picking out produce, you don’t just grab the first apple, tomato or onion you see, do you? It stands to reason that you should take a little time when picking out a new toothbrush. The most important feature of any toothbrush is its... read more »
Diabetes is the current health scare of the nation. It affects over 29 million people in the U.S. and there are 89 million more that have prediabetes—which means, they have all the telltale symptoms that make it likely they will end up with the dreaded disease soon enough. There are few health problems that so negatively affect your dental health... read more »
When you think about oral healthcare, not only should you be make sure that you are using safe and effective products for your daily cleaning routines, you also need to make sure that you are maintaining a balanced diet and limiting the amount of unhealthy foods that you consume. You should limit unhealthy foods and add foods with vitamins and... read more »
Every type of tooth in your mouth has a different job to do. Your back teeth are used for crushing and grinding your food to make it easier to swallow and digest. Because of that, they are designed to stand up to a great deal of pressure. On the other hand, your front teeth are designed for biting and are... read more »
Are you interested in whitening your smile with an over-the-counter whitening treatment? If so, our dentist, Dr. Carey Norton, would like to warn you about some side effects so you know all about the possible outcomes of treatment. Although over-the-counter whitening can be successful, there is a chance you can experience the following things: -Tooth sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity occurs because... read more »
Many children develops tendencies of sucking on their thumbs, but a prolonged habit may affect the development and natural alignment of their teeth. If your child’s thumb sucking is a concern, our dentist can work with you and your child to permanently break the habit. The risks of thumb sucking include delayed tooth development, and it’s important to help children... read more »
Ideally, your routine dental checkups, which are performed by a dentist like Dr. Carey Norton, will detect dental caries, cavities, tooth decay, and periodontal health problems before they can worsen; however, if you struggle to thoroughly floss your teeth each morning and night, or you often forget to floss, the poor oral hygiene condition in your mouth could cause a... read more »
The American Dental Association advocates a consistent daily oral hygiene routine founded on brushing your teeth twice each day and remember to thoroughly floss between your teeth and along the gumline at least once. This daily oral hygiene routine is intended to remove the bulk of food particles, plaque, and sugar residue before they can harden into tartar. When this... read more »
Dental sealants can do wonders for guarding your molars from cavities. Many people get dental sealants and really enjoy them, and yet many others do not. One of the reasons that many people don’t consider getting oral sealants is because they think their insurance won’t cover them. Will your insurance reimburse the cost of oral sealants? Keep reading to find... read more »
In order to ensure your smile has the greatest chance of oral health care success in the coming year, now is the perfect time to begin planning to enhance and upgrade your teeth and gums. One of the most effective things you can do is to fill out any gaps in your smile that can lead to gum destabilization or... read more »